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Still Missing
Sep 12, 2018 @ 8:01 pm
Our cat Sketchy snuck out of the house on 7/19/2018, we live on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex and she has not come home as of 9/12/2018.
Sketchy snuck out of the house in the middle of the night on 7/19/2018. The front door did not get locked and it popped open overnight. She and her 1/2 brother Dusty, meandered into the hallway and snuck down the 3 flights of stairs. Dusty was found shortly after by someone coming home from work and they allowed him into their home. During the night, someone saw Sketchy sitting in front of a door on the 2nd floor and she was seen crawling around the side of the apartment building.
As soon as we realized she was not at home, we called the main office and created some flyers to put up around our neighborhood. The lawn care people came and mowed the grass and trimmed the hedges around 9 am. This was unfortunate, because Sketchy likely hunkered down or was run out of the neighborhood, we just have no idea. We gave the landscapers a flyer. We passed out flyers to people on the street, have flyers up on posts around the neighborhood and have posts all over Facebook. Since that night we walked up and down and around this complex and neighborhood so many times, but still no Sketchy.
A look into her little life and some pictures. We miss her and hope she is found or comes home soon!
Sketchy was 7 weeks old and and covered in fleas when we got her. My daughter brought her home and begged us to keep her. The previous owner abused her. She was unsure of everything. Hence her name Sketchy, short for Sketchball. Our dog Sasha, who never had puppies, adopted her and they bonded. We had 3 other cats at the time, all older, Peanut & Princess (brother and sister, no longer with us) and Dusty. We lived on a farm for about 5 years. She was indoor only, but loved hanging on the patio, in the sunshine. We moved from there onto a sailboat for 4 years. She LOVED being outdoors at anchor, it was one of her favorite places. She got off the boat once, and ended up in the water, under a dock. Sasha found her and we got her back on the boat, she was not happy about the fresh water rinse, but she survived it! After we lived on a boat, we moved to a house, 4 miles from our current residence and we had a pool was inside of a lanai. She loved to lay in the sun with her adopted dog/mom Sasha. She also loves to drink water from the sink. Every morning, you could count on her stopping by and sitting in your sink until you turned the water on so she could have a fresh drink. She is so silly.
We hope you enjoy the pictures and some of her story. We miss her and hope we find her. Come home Sketchy, our snuggle bug, well at least for a few minutes.
Baby with Sasha
Loves her adoptive mama
King of the hill
Play time
Chilling by the pool
Love my dog bed
okay, petting too much
I’m almost done
You waited to long to stop
Sitting with my Human dad
Love sinks
Hi dad
Drinking water from the sink