Keto Sheppard’s Pie
MEAT FILLING: 1 tablespoons of Olive Oil & 1 Tbsp Butter 6 cloves of Garlic, crushed 1 tablespoon of Dried Oregano 1 teaspoon Rosemary 1 small Onion, diced 3 sticks of Celery, diced Salt...
Meatballs 3 lbs ground beef 2 eggs 2 Tbsp season salt 1 Tbsp garlic powder 1 Tbsp onion powder 1/2 cup parmesan cheese salt & pepper to taste Blend all the ingredients together and...
I went scouring the internet for crab stuffed pork chops. I had trouble finding one that did not have bread crumbs in it. Then I stumbled across this recipe!, so good! Instead of making...
Took our family Chicken Devan recipe and made it keto friendly. This recipe made 5 servings and was a total of 678 calories / serving. Recipe: 2 crowns broccoli; cooked & chopped 3 cups...
6 eggs, separated 2 eggs whole 1/3 cup melted butter 2 cups almond flour (fine) 1 Tbsp baking powder 1 tsp salt 1/4 tsp cream of tartar Preheat oven to 375 degrees Separate yolks...
Who doesn’t love a good low carb dessert? I love a sweet treat at the end of the day. Rasberry Parfaits 8 oz container of Mascarpone Cheese (room temperature) (cream cheese can be used in it’s...
Recipe’s, they are so awesome. Everyone has their own tastes and make changes to suit their own liking. This is one of my favorites! 3 eggs 3 oz cream cheese (full fat) 2 oz...
Syd loves his rare london broil. We do not eat a ton of red meat, but when we do, I like to make something he loves! I went online in search of recipes with...
Still Missing Updated: Our cat Sketchy snuck out of the house on 7/19/2018, we live on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex and she has not come home as of 9/12/2018.
Beef & Butter Fast We changed our eating lifestyle about a year ago and are on a low calorie, ketogenic diet. We added intermittent fasting back in November. I was in a weight loss...
July 2018 July/August, Feeling better with Hormone Therapy. It has some pluses and minuses. Pluses: More focused. Increased sex drive. Less intense hot flashes. Minuses, Only sleeping 5-6 hours per night. Returning hot flashes...